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Be informed, open your mind Be informed, open your mind Be informed, open your mind

Campus Community, In my message last week, I shared with you the first suggestion I gave to the class of 2027. I asked you to connect, take action and commit to your passions. I asked you to be bold. This week, my challenge to you is simple. Be informed.

September 2023 Board of Trustees Meeting President's Report

Something more … for our students, for Kentucky “I want something more.” That was Ashton Martin’s sentiment this summer as he stood on the terrace of an 18th-century Neoclassical complex dedicated to arts and education in the heart of London. Overlooking the River Thames, and some 4,000 miles from his home in Breckenridge County, Kentucky, Ashton remarked that “since I’m first generation, I wasn’t really pushed to go to college.” “But I want something more.”

Connect, act and commit to your passions Connect, act and commit to your passions Connect, act and commit to your passions

Campus Community,    Last month, I had the opportunity to share advice with some new students. I gave them five suggestions to consider as they start their journey, and I’d like to share them with all members of the Wildcat Family over the next few weeks. Be bold. 

The importance of finding, building community The importance of finding, building community The importance of finding, building community

Campus Community,  

Sharing the Stories, Promise of the University of Kentucky Sharing the Stories, Promise of the University of Kentucky Sharing the Stories, Promise of the University of Kentucky

Campus Community,   At UK, there is evidence that we are on a trajectory of ascent to advance Kentucky. We do this with an uncommon commitment to the common good of our state.

The Promise of the University of Kentucky The Promise of the University of Kentucky

Campus Community, The University of Kentucky is more than a place. It is more than a team. It is more than a beautiful campus. It is a promise. A promise to educate another record-setting class of incoming students. A promise to support every Wildcat inside and outside of the classroom. A promise to discover solutions to problems that challenge our Commonwealth, this nation and the world. A promise to ensure Kentuckians receive the health care they need in Kentucky.

Work Location Update and Next Steps Work Location Update and Next Steps

Last year, the Work Location Workgroup began a thoughtful process to ensure we support our residential campus while remaining flexible, where appropriate, with remote and hybrid work arrangements. Today, I am pleased to share the final step in that process.

Important Leadership Update for UK HealthCare Important Leadership Update for UK HealthCare

Campus Community, This week, I asked Bob DiPaola and Eric Monday to assume the positions of Co-Executive Vice President for Health Affairs on a permanent basis. I am gratified they have agreed to do so. I am excited about what it means for UK HealthCare (UKHC) and our university as we seek to advance Kentucky in everything that we do.

U.S. Supreme Court decision; our commitment to a community of belonging U.S. Supreme Court decision; our commitment to a community of belonging

Campus Community, Earlier today, the U.S. Supreme Court issued a long-awaited ruling in two cases regarding the use of race in admissions of undergraduate, graduate and professional programs in higher education. We are still reviewing the details of the ruling, but, based on our initial understanding, it appears that the Court has restricted the consideration of race with respect to admissions and scholarships. However, it appears we can consider an applicant’s discussion of how race has affected their life.

A monumental gift to UK and our Commonwealth A monumental gift to UK and our Commonwealth

I am both humbled and gratified to inform our campus community that today — on what would have been Carol Martin “Bill” Gatton’s 91st birthday — we are announcing that the Bill Gatton Foundation has bestowed a $100 million gift to the College of Agriculture, Food and Environment (CAFE) at the University of Kentucky.