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Next steps in process to revise our rules and regulations Campus Message

Last Friday, the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees gave initial approval, following a first reading, to a series of revisions to our Governing Regulations (GRs). This is part of a process to revise our rules and regulations to help us better align our community and accelerate our collective efforts to advance Kentucky.

Board gives initial approval to revisions to UK’s Governing Regulations Campus Message

Today was a remarkable day in the life of our university. Our Board of Trustees gave approval to two items that speak to our commitment to partnership and the idea that now is the time for us to accelerate our progress in advancing this state.

Message to Staff: Proposed Revisions to our GRs and ARs Campus Message

Dear Staff,  I apologize for writing to you late on a Friday. But we’ve been working intently this week to finalize proposed revisions to our most important rules and regulations that we will take to the Board of Trustees next week. I wanted you to have the latest in proposed revisions as soon as they were available.

Message to Students: Proposed Revisions to our GRs and ARs

Dear Students, I apologize for writing to you late on a Friday. But we’ve been working intently this week to finalize proposed revisions to our most important rules and regulations that we will take to the Board of Trustees next week. I wanted you to have the latest in proposed revisions as soon as they were available. In fact, over the last two months, I’ve been asked several times why are we spending so much time working on revisions to rules and regulations? Why, in other words, is this so important? 

Message to Faculty: Proposed Revisions to our GRs and ARs Message to Faculty

I apologize for writing to you late on a Friday. But we’ve been working intently this week to finalize proposed revisions to our most important rules and regulations that we will take to the Board of Trustees next week. I wanted you to have the latest revisions as soon as they were available. As I’ve talked with many of you over the last two months, I’ve been asked more than once why there seems to be such urgency in considering changes to our governance structure and many of our Governing Regulations.

The Power of Generosity Campus Message

There are many things we make possible that are due, in large part, to the generosity of those who support this remarkable community. From scholarships that offer yearly support or allow for exploration, to buildings and facilities that inspire ingenuity — we are made stronger by those who believe in us. 

Updated Principles, Next Steps Campus Message

Student email: Dear Students, I’ve met this week with student leaders to discuss potential changes to the University’s rules and regulations.  This process will lead to a larger voice for students in guiding decisions about the life of our community. Based on the feedback I’ve received, I’m proposing revisions to the principles for change that I distributed to you last week.

Proposed Compensation Plan

None of the progress we make in advancing Kentucky is possible without our people. You take care of our state. We are working to take care of each other. 

Feedback reminder and legislative update Campus Message

I hope you will take time early this week to provide feedback on ideas to strengthen shared governance at our university as part of our efforts to accelerate our progress in advancing Kentucky.

Honoring Sarah Bennett Holmes' legacy Campus Message

Sarah Bennett Holmes was, by any definition, consequential. Today, we are continually reminded of her legacy — we see it in buildings and hallowed halls, awards and certificates. But it's the women of today who are the greatest stewards of all Sarah Bennett Holmes championed.