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What I’m Hearing from You

As of this afternoon, I’ve met with more than 240 people in more than a dozen meetings across our campus. I’ve listened to many perspectives about our structure and how we make decisions as a community. No matter the point of view, it is clear to me that we all share a fierce devotion to this place and our mission to advance this state.

A Time for Conversation, Reflection and Renewal

Campus Community, This week, I will be talking with — and listening to — hundreds of students and staff, faculty and deans as we think about an important question — how do we all share in the future progress of this community? Our Board of Trustees recently directed me and our community to recommend changes to our Governing Regulations with the goal of creating more clarity, rather than confusion, around the rules that help guide our work. 

Feedback about shared governance at UK

Campus Community, It’s time for our campus to come together for an important community conversation. Last week, our Board of Trustees directed us to plan together, with a sense of thoughtful urgency, about what a shared governance structure should look like at UK. This process is part of a larger initiative — what we call Project Accelerate — where our Board has asked us to plan how we can move more quickly in advancing our state.

Focusing on our future

Last week, our university focused firmly on the future of our campus — and how we will accelerate our efforts to impact the Commonwealth. We also honored those from our past who made us who we are today. At Friday’s Board of Trustees meeting, we heard updates from our five work groups about their work to  accelerate UK's purpose. In addition, we came together to reflect on those who worked tirelessly to build the foundation of the education, research, service and care we provide to the people of Kentucky.

Accelerating our Progress in Advancing Kentucky

Today, our Board of Trustees met to hear our progress on several initiatives, all of which are about one thing: accelerating our progress in advancing Kentucky. If we are going to sustain a state that is healthier, wealthier and wiser, we must thoughtfully grow enrollment in ways that meet our state’s workforce needs. We need to ensure that the core courses students take fully prepare them for jobs, careers and lives of meaning and purpose.

Important Legislative Update

We continue to monitor and respond to many legislative proposals during this year’s session of the General Assembly. We have much more work to do, ideas to share and thoughtful discussions to have about many of these proposals, both on campus and with our partners in Frankfort. In all these conversations, we are guided by our strategic plan — The UK-PURPOSE — which sets forward principles for how we will advance Kentucky. During this legislative session, I have reflected often on the principle of “Bringing Together Many People, One Community.”

Your Feedback Matters

Since 2015, UK Human Resources has administered five UK@Work employee engagement surveys. Now that we have several surveys to look back on, we see clear progress from when we first began strategically measuring employee engagement. In 14 areas for which we have historical comparisons, all 14 areas of faculty feedback, and nine areas of staff feedback, have improved since our first survey in 2015.

Honoring Lyman T. Johnson and His Legacy

This year, we commemorate the 75th anniversary of one of our most significant stories.

Sharing Your Story

Since 1865, we've managed to harness the turbulence that often accompanies an ever-growing institution; the ebbs and flows that refine a place like us...a place with profound responsibilities.  Of course, our successes lend credence to our name. But it's our determination to meet every moment, to discover and leverage opportunities unearthed only during a pressure test, that really defines our purpose.

Legislative Update

The House proposal includes increases in the general funds — or base budget — UK would receive from the state as well as more investment in the performance funding model. House members will consider that proposal in the coming weeks, before turning to the Senate for its review.