UK Board Unequivocally Supports President Capilouto’s Leadership Campus Message
Campus Community,
As you know, the Board of Trustees asked President Eli Capilouto and the campus to focus on accelerating our progress in advancing Kentucky.
Among the five areas we directed President Capilouto and campus to address included a focus on more responsiveness — examining our rules and regulations and how they position UK for success.
Students, staff and many faculty have specifically and strongly endorsed this process of revising our rules and regulations.
After months of inclusive dialogue on our campus, President Capilouto presented a revised set of governing principles that streamline the rules and clarify responsibilities, creating more avenues for greater involvement and collaboration among students, faculty and staff. The University of Kentucky Board of Trustees overwhelmingly supports this process and President Capilouto’s leadership in making it happen.
Today, in response to the Board’s 19 to 1 vote in favor of updating our governing regulations, some faculty voted to express no confidence in the President.
Let me be clear: the Board unequivocally supports President Eli Capilouto. Please watch my video message to understand why he is the right person to lead the University of Kentucky during this period of change.
Thanks to the leadership of President Capilouto and in partnership with this community, we will continue to advance Kentucky in all that we do.
Thank you for all that you do to help fulfill this important mission.
E. Britt Brockman, MD
Chair, Board of Trustees