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A Community That Cares

As many as 100 died — if not more — in what’s been described as the worst night of storms in our state’s long history. The images will long remain in my mind’s eye, reminding us all again of how precious and fragile life is and how the only thing we can control what we do, together, to help each other whenever and wherever there is need.

Provost Search

I am pleased today to announce a committee charged with conducting a national search for the permanent provost.

Weekly Update: Our Continued Progress

As we prepare for the end of the semester, what I hope is a time of rest and renewal for everyone, the importance of COVID-19 and flu vaccines is increasingly evident. We have made booster shots readily available on our campus. I urge you to take advantage of this availability.

90% Vaccinated: Grateful for This Community

As of late last week, our campus community hit the 90% mark for COVID-19 vaccinations. That’s 90% of our campus community either partially or fully vaccinated.

UK Athletes Post Record Graduation Rates Again; Exceed National Average for Graduation

The NCAA has announced annual numbers among its member programs for Graduation Success Rates (GSR) as well as the Federal Graduation Rate (FGR). We have tied our school record of 92 percent for the NCAA GSR – three points above the national average. Moreover, we have set a new record of 66 percent for the Federal Graduation Rate of our students.

Weekly Update: Grateful for This Community

The holiday season affords us the opportunity to reflect upon what makes us most grateful. More than ever, I’m grateful for a community so committed to keeping each other safe. 

SACS Reaffirmation Process: Provide Feedback

Every 10 years, our university must seek reaffirmation from the body that accredits us as an institution of higher learning — the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC).

Weekly Update

Each and every person who becomes vaccinated against COVID-19 makes our community safer. I want to extend my deepest gratitude to each of you who have made that choice – who have added another layer of protection for yourselves and those around you.

Strong Ratings, Confidence in Our Future

I write to you often to tout the remarkable accomplishments of this place and our people.

Weekly Update: Our Progress Continued

Because of your compassion and determination — the care you demonstrate and the effort you exert to protect those around you — we continue to make incredible progress in combating this pandemic. This week, our campus vaccination rate is at more than 89%.