Continuing strategic and thoughtful enrollment growth, focused on the workforce needs of Kentucky and developing ways through comprehensive planning efforts that align UK’s full complement of disciplines, our health and research enterprises and new and strengthened partnerships with schools, government, corporations and industry to incentivize students to live and work in Kentucky following graduation.

Work Group 1 More Educated Kentuckians
Work Group Members
- Kirsten Turner (Student Success) co-facilitator
- Scott Lephart (College of Heath Sciences) co-facilitator
- Lisa Tannock (Office for Faculty Advancement)
- Rosalie Mainous (College of Nursing)
- Clayton Thyne (College of Arts and Sciences)
- Margaret Rintamaa (College of Education)
- Todd Brann (IRADS)
- Christine Harper (Enrollment Management)
- Julie Balog (Marketing)
- Paul Knowles (Facilities Management)
- Tim Gaillard (UK HealthCare)
- Melody Flowers (Economic Development)
- Emma Stiglic (College of Nursing, Student Government Association Representative)
- Kristine Urshel (Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment, University Senate Representative)
- Beth Goins (Strategic Communications – College of Education, Staff Senate Representative)
- Recorder: Amy Timoney (PR and Strategic Communications)

Projected employment growth in Kentucky from 2021-2031
Of all projected employment demand in Kentucky comes from only six identified Knowledge Areas