Executive Actions:
“Securing our Borders” Executive Order: Issued Jan. 20
- This order includes several provisions, including “deterring and preventing the unlawful entry of aliens into the country, detaining and removing aliens in violation of immigration law, and partnering with state and local law enforcement to enforce federal immigration law.”
"Protecting the American People Against Invasion” Executive Order: Issued Jan. 20
- This order allows the Secretary of Homeland Security to deputize state and local law enforcement officials to serve as immigration officers and permits the Secretary of the Treasury to facilitate all visa bonds permitted under law.
- The order directs the review of Temporary Protected Status designations made by the Biden administration and directs the Secretary of State, Attorney General and Secretary of Homeland Security to ensure that employment authorizations are provided in a manner consistent with federal law.
- Under the order, “sanctuary jurisdictions” are not permitted to receive federal funds.
Recission of Biden Administration “Protected Areas” Immigration Enforcement Policy: Issued Jan. 21
- Acting Department of Homeland Security Secretary Benjamine Huffman rescinded the Biden Administration’s policy memo on immigration enforcement actions in or near protected areas.
- The rescission of the 2021 policy memo means that there are no longer any specific protected areas such as schools, hospitals or churches under current policy.
Responding to Federal Law Enforcement:
The university is not aware of any requests or actions from U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) or other federal law enforcement agencies at this time.
The following information is general guidance on how to appropriately respond to federal law enforcement officers if you were to encounter them on UK property, or if you were to receive a request for information.
University faculty, staff and students:
- Notify university authorities:
- If you encounter federal law enforcement on campus or receive a request for information, contact UKPD (859-257-8573) and the Office of Legal Counsel (UKOfficeofLegalCounsel@uky.edu, 859-257-2936) to inform them of the situation.
- Document the situation:
- Document the date, time and details of the interaction.
- Do not interfere with law enforcement:
- While you have the right to document and report the interaction, do not physically obstruct or interfere with agents.
UK HealthCare employees:
- If you encounter federal law enforcement within UK HealthCare facilities or receive a request for information, contact your supervisor or unit administrator.
- Follow existing protocols on unanticipated visits from law enforcement.
Federal Privacy Protections:
- UK complies with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). Under FERPA, all university students, regardless of immigration status, are entitled to certain privacy protections.
- It is important to forward any request for student information to the Office of Legal Counsel before any action is taken. Generally, student records maintained by the institution cannot be disclosed without written consent or a lawfully issued subpoena, judicial warrant or court order.
- We will continue to adhere to these requirements.
- Additionally, the university does not track citizenship status beyond the required visa information forinternational students, scholars and employees.
- UK HealthCare complies with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), which protects the privacy of an individual’s health information.
- While immigration status alone is not typically considered personal health information, it could be under certain circumstances and should not be disclosed unless the patient consents. Any questions should be referred to the Chief Privacy Officer or the Office of Corporate Compliance.
- Additionally, health care providers do not inquire into a patient’s immigration status or report it to authorities.