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Weekly Update

Each and every person who becomes vaccinated against COVID-19 makes our community safer. I want to extend my deepest gratitude to each of you who have made that choice – who have added another layer of protection for yourselves and those around you.

Strong Ratings, Confidence in Our Future

I write to you often to tout the remarkable accomplishments of this place and our people.

Weekly Update: Our Progress Continued

Because of your compassion and determination — the care you demonstrate and the effort you exert to protect those around you — we continue to make incredible progress in combating this pandemic. This week, our campus vaccination rate is at more than 89%. 

Weekly Update: Federal Guidance and Continued Progress

The following message was sent to all of campus on Friday, Oct. 29, 2021.  Campus community, Thanks to the commitment and compassion of this community, we continue to make progress in making it as easy as possible to be safe on the UK campus. As of last night, 89.2% of our campus was either partially or fully vaccinated.

Weekly Update, Important Reminders

As of last night, 89 percent of our community was either partially or fully vaccinated. 

Important Update on Next Steps to Keep Our Community Safe

We have committed to timely and transparent communication following the death of one of our students earlier this week. We will continue to communicate about these important issues as our investigations of this tragedy progress and as we continue to evaluate how best we can protect our community and hold each other accountable in upholding that responsibility.

A Tragedy; Finding Answers

Last night, our community suffered a tragic loss with the death of our student, Thomas “Lofton” Hazelwood.

Weekly Update: Vaccine Progress, Boosters and Incentives

As of yesterday, we are approaching 89 percent of our campus being partially or fully vaccinated.

United Way Campaign 2021

United Way of the Bluegrass has worked hard to provide basic needs, education and financial stability to individuals, families and entire communities across the Commonwealth for 100 years. To continue this hard work, they need our help. Please join me through October 29th, 2021, in supporting our United Way campaign with donations.

Weekly Update: Our Continued Progress

As of yesterday, we moved past 88.0 percent of our campus being partially or fully vaccinated. That means 90 percent is fully within our reach — a mark of progress and compassion that says so much about who we are and what we do.