Executive direction and management of the University of Kentucky's operations, both academic and fiscal, are carried out by the Board of Trustees and the President. As Chief Executive Officer of the University, the President is responsible for all official communication with the Board and external agencies. The President provides leadership on all policy, planning and development functions of the institution.
About the Office of the President
President's Staff

Past Presidents
The University of Kentucky has a long history of inspiring leaders. It is because of their dedication and passion that we are who we are today.
Contact Us
Office of the President
101 Main Building
University of Kentucky
Lexington, KY 40506-0032
Phone: (859) 257-1701
Fax: (859) 257-1760
Email: pres@uky.edu
History of the President's Residence
Since 1918, the university president has lived at the historic Maxwell Place on campus.